The rattlesnake plantains get their name from their broad, rounded leaves similar in shape to those of plantain, a common lawn weed. Show All Show Tabs downy rattlesnake plantain

R. Br. Look at that symphony of color and design! Downy Rattlesnake-Plantain are rather small, the reticulated patterns of its basal leaves are very ornate and unique, making this orchid easy to identity. A tea made from the leaves is taken to improve the appetite, as a treatment for colds, kidney ailments, rheumatism and toothaches. This unique plant is a treasure for avid gardeners across the country. Downy rattlesnake plantain (Goodyera pubescens) is one of four species within the Goodyera genus. In spite of its common name, this orchid is not closely-related to plantains (Plantago Its evergreen leaves have distinct white or pale streaks making them easy to distinguish. The silver markings on the dark blue-green leaves, along with the bold stripe in the center of the leaf make it easy to identify as rattlesnake plantain.

Medicinal use of Downy Rattlesnake Plantain: A tea made from the roots is used in the treatment of pleurisy and snakebites. Downy Rattlesnake plantain is an orchid that is very common in the United States. Goodyera pubescens (Willd.) Downy Rattlesnake Plantain I love the leaves of this little native orchid.