Figure 2. There are several species of flea beetles that attack crucifers. Scientific Name. In the tropics, sub-tropics and temperate countries. Flea beetles are an early-season pest commonly found on all members of the cole crop group, as well as spinach, beets, potatoes, and eggplant.

Flea beetles are present throughout the growing season but are primarily a concern in the month following transplanting. Leafy spurge flea beetles spend most of their lives – about 80 percent – under-ground, and do most of their damage to the weed during that time. Distribution.

Scientific Name Phyllotreta sp. Common Name. Commonly shiny black, but some have a yellow stripe down each wing case, some even come in a dark metallic blue. Common Name. Although moderately small (4-5 mm) compared to other beetles, they are larger than most common flea beetles that occur in Colorado. Scientific Name.

During this phase of the life cycle, which lasts 45-60 days, adults feed on leafy spurge, Hosts If these are used, add soap to improve wetting the flea hoppers and covering them with sprays. These tiny black beetle bugs belong to the family Dermestidae and their larvae can be a true household pest.. In Oceania, it has been recorded from Australia, Fiji, New Caledonia and Vanuatu. On Mother’s Day (May 12) my son found another really cool beetle that we would like to know what it is. Lesser striped flea beetle, small striped flea beetle, flea beetle, turnip flea beetle. Epitrix hirtipennis. The adult Epitrix fuscula flea beetle is a small (2 mm), black beetle, whereas E. hirtipennis is brown. Scientific Name: Altica foliaceae LeConte Order: Coleoptera (Beetles) Family: Chrysomelidae (Leaf Beetles) Identification and Descriptive Features: Adults are shiny green or blue-green beetles that jump readily when disturbed.

Flea beetles hop like fleas when disturbed. It’s been about a year since our last submission (a Sumac Flea Beetle June 2012)! Different species vary in color and markings. Despite being a little guy, it stood out like a sore thumb on the beige ceiling of our back covered porch. All of the cruciferous crops grown in Ontario are susceptible to the damage caused by flea beetles. Grape flea beetle overwinters as an adult. As they mature, these “bugs” gradually become dark and black. Tobacco flea beetle. Flea beetles are small, shiny-coated beetles with large rear legs, which allow them to jump like fleas when threatened (the source of their name!).

Flea beetles are particularly attracted to stressed plants; plants that are nutrient weak or underwatered. Description: "Flea beetle" is a generic name applied to many species of small jumping beetles commonly seen early in the gardening season. Flea beetles are very small beetles (not surprising, given their name!). Some species attack a wide range of plants, while others target only certain plant families. By far, the majority of these are crucifer flea beetles. The greatest injury occurs during prolonged cool springs with slow bud growth. The life cycle starts with adult flea bee-tles (upper left), which are active from June through August. Period of Activity Adults emerge late April through June. There are many species of flea beetles. Spinosad has been tested against the eggplant flea beetle, Epithix fuscula in the US and found effective. Problem: Flea Beetles Hosts: Watermelons, pumpkins, peas, beans, eggplants, sweet potatoes, beets, spinach, strawberries and potatoes. In this Guideline: Chaetocnema species.The species known as the sweetpotato flea beetle is Chaetocnema confinis, especially in the USA.There may be other species. The scientific or taxonomic name would be Alltica chalybea. Alternatively, use commercial biopesticides, e.g., spinosad (the product is called Success), or abamectin, derived from different bacteria. Striped flea beetles make up about 10% of the population. They are mostly about 2mm (about 1/10in) long, but big bugs can be 3-4mm. Common Name. Some species have yellow or white curved stripes the length of the body.