Teucrium hircanicum Teucrium chamaedrys ‘Tickle Pink ... Alphabetical list of all 4,000+ perennials here: Teucrium chamaedrys ‘Summer Sunshine ... Care Level Easy . Le Genre Teucrium: Environ 100 espèces (régions tempérées, une quinzaine sont indigènes). Members of the genus are commonly known as germanders. Teucrium chamaedrys - Germandrée petit-chêne nain rose.

Pests May be prone to leafhoppers and rosemary beetle. Creeping germander (Teucrium canadense) is a woody, perennial ground cover varietal that spreads through underground rhizomes and reaches to only about 12 to 18 inches tall and spreading 2 feet across. Maak uw bestelling compleet.

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Teucrium chamaedrys TEW-kree-um kam-EE-driss Audio This evergreen or deciduous subshrub is grown for its attractive, dark green aromatic foliage and its light pink to deep purple flowers, which blossom in summer and early fall. In de winter valt er ook blad van deze kleine heester, de hoeveelheid is afhankelijk van de kou. Germanders can be herbs or subshrubs and are typically perennial.

Gamander kunt u in het voorjaar kort terugsnoeien.

Plant en godet / Hauteur : 10 - 15 cm / Direct Pépinière (1) Taille adulte : 0.30 m à 0.60 m. Prix : … Germander species are distributed nearly worldwide, and a number of them are grown as garden ornamentals. Le Teucrium lucidrys est un sous-arbrisseau vivace, très tapissant à feuilles ovales, persistantes, vert foncé, luisantes et dentées comme de minuscules feuilles de chêne qui lui ont valu son nom.. Les fleurs rose lilas forment de longues grappes le long des rameaux érigés, elles s'épanouissent pendant plus de 4 mois, de juin à septembre. Germander Growing.
There are hundreds of species, including herbs, shrubs or subshrubs.They are found all over the world but are most common in Mediterranean climates. Several species feature Pruning Pruning group 7. Appearance and Characteristics.

Vivaces, arbustes ou sous-arbrisseaux, rarement annuels. Miscellaneous: A Bulgarian herbal tea is made from the leaves of Teucrium chamaedrys (wall germander) to treat gastric related symptoms. Small germander shrubs (Teucrium chamaedrys) require regular pruning to maintain their shape and dense foliage. Hij staat het liefst in de volle zon.

Cet article traite des caractéristiques spécifiques de la variété de teucrium hircanicum. Le teucrium chamaedrys supporte le sec, le froid, les sols médiocres, les embruns … Il endure à peu près tout sauf l’humidité hivernale ; il faut donc lui assurer un sol bien drainé, au soleil bien sûr. Diseases Generally trouble free Associés aux sauges, thym et romarins ils composeront à eux tous un coin de méditerranée dans votre jardin sec.

Teucrium chamaedrys (Wall Germander) Prized for its compact habit and lustrous foliage, Teucrium chamaedrys (Wall Germander) is a low-growing, woody-based evergreen perennial forming a clump of branched ascending stems densely clothed in aromatic, oval, toothed, shiny dark green leaves.

Feuilles persistantes, simples, opposées, rarement entières, dentées le plus souvent, crénelées ou pennatifides.

Wall germander.

Teucrium × lucidrys hybrid germander ... Synonyms Teucrium chamaedrys misapplied Teucrium massiliense misapplied Family Lamiaceae ... How to care.

Teucrium lucidrys is een wintergroene halfheester. Prized for its compact habit and lustrous foliage, Teucrium chamaedrys (Wall Germander) is a low-growing, woody-based evergreen perennial forming a clump of branched ascending stems densely clothed in aromatic, oval, toothed, shiny dark green leaves. Germander, (genus Teucrium), genus of about 260 species of plants in the mint family (Lamiaceae). This garden workhorse can be used in troughs, containers, low hedges, knot gardens, rock gardens, or as edging. Teucrium is a genus of mostly perennial plants in the family Lamiaceae.Some of the New World species are annuals. Teucrium chamaedrys 'Nanum' is toegevoegd aan uw winkelwagen! Ideally they like to grow in sunny …

Si vous cherchez des informations sur la germandrée en général (plantation, culture, entretien), consultez notre fiche germandrée.. Aussi connu sous le nom de germandrée iranienne, Teucrium hircanicum est une plante vivace intéressante au jardin. Whorls of two lipped, tubular, rosy-purple flowers are produced for 3-4 weeks in midsummer, often buzzing with bees. The name is believed to refer to King Teucer of Troy.