• Edelweiss – This is a medium-sized plant with white flowers, primarily grown as a landscaping plant. Lavender plants are the perfect addition to the lazy gardener's yard. Rebloomer. They typically have a tall, bare wooden stem topped with a ball of gray-green lavender leaves. May be wintered indoors in cold regions. Lavender is native to Europe. • Spanish lavender (L. stoechas) Zones 4-24. Kew Red Spanish Lavender is a smaller version of Spanish Lavender with medium pink flowers and dark pink flower bracts. Growing it indoors presents a few challenges, so follow these tips to have the best success. These plants are prized for their fragrant lavender flowers, which are used for perfume and sachets, and their gray-green aromatic foliage. Tips for Growing Lavender Indoors.
Stocky plants grow to 3 ft. tall with gray or gray-green leaves. How to grow lavender. Spanish Lavenders or Lavandula stoechas are hardy to zones 8-10 and have beautiful flower blossoms. Drought tolerant once established. Learn more about Monrovia plants and best practices for best possible plant performance. Its fragrant, gray-pubescent, linear leaves are about an inch long and arranged in … This easy-to-grow shrub thrives in a sunny spot, in free-draining soil or a container. Lavender is prized for its richly fragrant flowers and aromatic foliage. English lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), with its aromatic leaves and flowers, is often considered an herb, but it is actually an herbaceous perennial with a semi-woody growth habit.A member of the mint family, its woody stems are often cut back to ground level each year. Spanish lavender (Lavandula stoechas) can be grown in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 10. Linda Lamb Peters. Its fragrant, gray-pubescent, linear leaves are about an inch long and arranged in … Spanish lavender, sometime also called French lavender but that name is best reserved for L. dentate, grows as an 18- to 24-inch-tall and 2- to 3-foot-wide mounded, evergreen semiwoody shrub. lavender houseplant . Since it grows wild in France, this is understandable since it is collected there to some extent and processed for oil used in perfume. See detailed growing and care information below about taking care of Lavender and learn how to grow Lavender … These Lavenders have unusual blooms which are tufted and pineapple shaped in appearance with dark purple flower bracts accompanied by dark green leaves. Monrovia's Anouk Spanish Lavender details and information. Bracts resemble rabbit ears; they come in shades of purple and pink. Find a spot with full sun for your Spanish lavender plants or consider growing them in containers ; these plants take well to pots. A lavender tree is beautiful in bloom, and with its fresh-smelling leaves, it’s equally wonderful without flowers. Read how easy lavender is to add to your garden decor. Hazel™ Spanish Lavender Lavandula stoechas 'Larkman Hazel' Plant Patent #20,894
Lavender trees go by a host of other names, including lavender topiary or lavender standard. Hardy noninvasive perennials, lavenders suit both informal and formal gardens. Spanish Lavender. Blooms spring into summer. Planting, Growing & Care Tips for Lavender You have probably come to this page because you are considering planting Lavender or have already done so and the plant is not doing so well.Maybe someone has gifted you with a plant and you want to know how to care for your Lavender plant. Excellent in mixed containers, as well as a hot, sunny border. Placement.
This selection is a breakthrough, the first commercially grown Spanish Lavender from seed, and offers masses of lavender-rose flowers with purple flags on a compact mound of fragrant, silver-green foliage.
Care of the Lavender Plant. is sometimes referred to as French Lavender. Spanish lavender, sometime also called French lavender but that name is best reserved for L. dentate, grows as an 18- to 24-inch-tall and 2- to 3-foot-wide mounded, evergreen semiwoody shrub. Spanish lavender care is similar to other varieties of lavender, although compared to English lavender it can tolerate more heat and doesn’t require any cold to produce flowers.