If you feeling like an easier option, you can buy and use ready made sweet potato mash. Now if you wanted to up the pumpkin factor, you could mix in some pureed pumpkin with the sweet potato mash.

5 strips bacon, medium diced 2 cloves garlic, chopped. 1 small red onion, medium diced You could also buy ready cooked Norwegian salmon to … Shop Now. You could also add pumpkin pie spice to the sweet potato mash or swap it out for cinnamon in the apple cider glaze.

Buy a whole case and get 5% off. Jump to Recipe. Published November 11, 2016, Updated October 23, 2019 5 Comments. While the sweet potato is cooking, transfer the marinated salmon to a baking dish and pop into the hot oven for approximately 10 minutes. Sweet Potato Fish Pie with Salmon. For Aisha Baby Food Pouch Meal - Salmon and Sweet Potato Mash. Drain potatoes, add the butter, olive oil, crushed garlic, seasoning and mash together. Here are some of our ingredients: salmon fillets, pumpkin seeds, sweet potatoes, spinach, garlic, sage, and cinnamon. Buy 2 cases or more (of the same kind) and get 10% off. Sweet Potato Hash: 3 pounds sweet potatoes, peeled and medium diced.