You may also get tired easily and lose your appetite. The CICO (calories in, calories out) diet originated on a Reddit weight loss forum, but the concept of eating less calories than you burn has been around for much longer. The … Message the Moderators. Expect to be hungry. I'm talking losing 70-80 lbs in 6 months for someone who is not even obese to begin with (one post today from a 5'3 women going from 198-131 in 6 months). Given my athletic background I realize that burning the calories isn’t so much of a challenge for me as is for others. Using the username “Kroliz”, the 26-year-old woman lost 75lbs in total. Help & Resources. Lose it! Quick Start Guide - How to start losing weight. One thing that really stands out to me is how widely praised huge amounts of weight loss in a short period of time is on reddit. Reddit, a discussion website with various “subreddit” forums, has posted about the CICO diet across many of its weight-loss forums.

People who want to discuss weight loss and all that goes with it can meet here. Friday at 11:25 PM; LaMaria; Contests. After years of trying and failing to lose weight, Reddit user SultenOgRedd decided to opt for weight-loss surgery. Weight loss is definitely hard, but it’s not that hard if you do it right. After trying popular diet programs like Weight Watchers with mixed results, Robert Treglia followed the advice of a Reddit message board and lost more 400 pounds. … Clearly, my training did absolutely nothing for my entire life, because I ate poorly. Assuming your weight is currently stable, decreasing your calorie intake by about 500 calories per day will stimulate safe weight loss of about 1.1 pounds (0.5 kg) per week. These things all can lead to weight loss. The support and sharing helps us all achieve our goals. Threads 2,223 Messages 41,154. For some people, the CICO diet can help promote weight loss, which can come with many health benefits. Three hours after apparition88 posted the photos, another Redditor commented, "Man, I wonder what kind of boost a couple's sex life gets when they lose weight … What 5 months of consistent, healthy weight loss looks like There is no magic switch that makes you suddenly love running and eating kale. Write about your experiences and learn about other members' experiences as you approach your target weight. Club 160s. You may not be used to feeling hungry often, or even at all, but when you start eating less food than your body is used to and wants, hunger is something you need to expect and be willing to deal with. A man’s transformation photos posted to Reddit have shocked the internet - as he now shares an uncanny resemblance to a certain Disney prince. However, most practitioners recommend only losing 1–2 pounds (0.5–1 kg) … Not every diet works for everyone. Your body needs more calories to get enough oxygen into each breath.