I will be looking in detail at how both are made, what they are made out of and other facts about the two metals. Production of Iron and Steel In this project I have researched on the production of Iron and Steel. By far the most widely used material for building the world’s infrastructure and industries, it is used to fabricate everything from sewing needles to oil tankers. As with all large-scale manufacturing processes, the production or iron and steel generates by-products. China accounts for nearly half of global steel production. Production of Iron & Steel Engineering Materals II (MEng 2122) 5. Steel production residues The making of iron and steel generates residual products, namely by-products and waste. In Sweden, no less than 80 per cent of the residual products are either reused as raw materials for new steel production or sold on for other areas of application. Steel, alloy of iron and carbon in which the carbon content ranges up to 2 percent (with a higher carbon content, the material is defined as cast iron).

The growth of the steel industry in India has been due to the abundance of iron ore and coal deposits and availability of labor. The steelmaking and foundry industries in the United States are highly dependent upon the ready availability of scrap from manufacturing operations and from the recovery of products …

The primary source of this carbon is coking coal. In 1980 716 mln tonnes of steel was produced and the following countries were among the leaders: USSR (21% of global steel production), Japan (16%), USA (14%), Germany (6%), China (5%), Italy (4%), France and Poland (3%), Canada and Brazil (2%). The blast furnace is the first step in producing steel from iron oxides. – Steel is simply a purer form of iron with lower carbon content.

Cast iron is used for things like manhole covers, cast iron pipes, valves and pump bodies in the water industry, guttering and drainpipes, cylinder blocks in car engines, Aga-type cookers, and very expensive and very heavy cookware. Production Over the last 35 years, the iron and steel industry has seen significant changes. The first blast furnaces appeared in the 14th century and produced one ton per day. Iron and steel making by-products. The steel industry in India contributes around 2% to its total GDP and employs over 600,000 people. Global crude steel production increased by an exceptional 4% to 1 690 Mt in 2017, and initial estimates suggest that it rose strongly in 2018 as well. India has come a long way since 1907 when the first iron and steel production plant was established called the Tata Iron and Steel Company Ltd. Pure iron is too soft and reactive to be of much real use, so most of the "iron" we tend to use for everyday purposes is actually in the form of iron alloys: iron mixed with other elements (especially carbon) to make stronger, more resilient forms of the metal including steel.

– Steel can be produced from molten iron ore with blast of air (BOF), Electric furnace, Bessemer converter. Demand for steel, which drives steel production, is a key determinant of energy demand and CO 2 emissions of the steel subsector. Crude steel production by process At the time of writing (2015), world production of iron castings was about 75 million tonnes per year.