Please select the tree type and specify the stem circumference / diameter in cm or inch. 2. The International Society of Arboriculture, the organization responsible for creating this formula, assigned a growth factor number to various species of trees according to their average growth rate. We investigated (i) the relationships between ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Lawson & C. Lawson) resin flow and axial resin duct characteristics, tree growth and physiological variables, and (ii) if mechanical wounding induces ponderosa pine resin flow and resin ducts in the absence of bark beetles. Tree Age Calculator. Ponderosa pine grows best in full sun and deep, moist, well drained soil, but will adapt to a wide range of soil and growing conditions including alkaline, dry, low humidity, wind,and high elevation. Ponderosa pine is well adapted to high temperatures and low moisture and is highly resistant to low-intensity fire. Ponderosa Pine. In its genus, ponderosa pine is second in size only to sugar pine. Pinus ponderosa, or Ponderosa pine, or Western yellow pine, is native west of the western fringes of the Great Plains.It is the toughest pine introduced to Kansas with the greatest drought and alkaline tolerance. Measure all the way around the trunk. Ponderosa pine forests, woodlands and savannas occupy approximately 2 million acres in Colorado or 8 percent of the state’s forested land. Habitat: Ponderosa pine trees occur as pure stands or in mixed conifer forests in the mountains. scopulorum Engelm.) The white pine tree has a growth factor of 5. Width: 25-30 feet. The Oregon champion, at La Pine State Park in Deschutes County, is 178 feet tall and 342 inches in circumference. In stands of large, second-growth pines, where fire is not common, large snags quickly fall and rot, providing habitat for small mammals and various invertebrates.

Although it may exceed 200 feet in height in its native range, Ponderosa pine reaches a height of 40 to 50 feet and a spread of 20 to 25 feet in Kansas. Calculate Age According to the Missouri Department of Conservation, the growth factor for an Austrian pine (Pinus nigra) is 4.5.

In the northwest, it is typically associated with Rocky Mountain Douglas fir, lodgepole pine, grand fir, and Another factor reportedly affecting fire resistance is ponderosa pine’s ability to self-prune (gradual shedding of lower branches) (Flint 1925, Starker 1934, Miller 2000), resulting in the clear bole that often characterizes large-diameter old-growth Ponderosa Pine Trees - Photo by Chris Schnepf, University of Idaho, Tingey et al. 2.