Haven't finished it and I don't intend to either. Personally, I actively avoid competitive multiplayer games. Ask yourself why? And over the past four years I’ve worked with thousands of gamers just like you to overcome their gaming problem. One of the things I’ve learned making games is that there’s fun factor for everyone out there in the form of a video game mechanic but it’s difficult to know what kind of gameplay that is until you find it. People play too many video games, and the focus needs to be averted in …

I start the game console, I start up my PC, launch a game. For example, if you used to love watching football on TV, list all the reasons that you don’t anymore.

The last game, I put in more than 30 hours was Dragonage and thats about 5 months ago I reckon.

Then you just wait for a game that you more than anything. I'm losing interest in video games like a man losing interest of his wife after being married for 20 yrs. Its dull and boring. The only problem is that your typical novel is far better written than any video game, so it might take something away from games if you play them for the story. I stopped playing video games for around 6 months even though I was still smoking heavily.

not enjoying video games anymore over the past few months i haven’t enjoyed playing video games. I'm not sure why, but for some reason I'm enjoying them again.

I'm not willing to devote that, so I just enjoy the experience while trying to improve, especially if it's team based. You’re here because you want to quit playing video games. I don't enjoy anything anymore.

But video games aren’t a way to learn valuable life lessons, or any skill, really. i used to love playing video games but for some reason, i don’t anymore. level 2 I just sit on the computer and browse different websites, so monotonous. i got bored of that and started playing gta 5. and i eventually got bored of that. Things that used to make me happy in my life til now were games and especially movies/tv shows - i used to not feel lonely while watching them. Well, I wouldn't say that you can "not enjoying games anymore" call an addiction. Anyone can teach you something, even if it’s how NOT to live life.

I read the newspaper this morning and there was this article about a little boy who physically couldn't have fun.

Maybe just put the video games down for a …

I did that until Batman came out last year and now I feel quite a bit better about finishing games. W3 is a very good game and one of the few with a worthwhile story. loving video games doesnt mean you play it everyday. With a lot of games these days, it's about putting in the time more than anything... the best players have 2,000 hours and up in any given game.

for about a year i played r6 and then i got tired of that so i started playing MW. 4.

I used to love gaming and get totally immersed in games like The Witcher.

Funny thing is, I haven't lost my interest in video games as a medium and it's community. It's an addiction if you couldn't stop playing on top of that, even though you don't enjoy them. What a sad state of affairs. Playing video games is bad for your mental health. I have a hierarchy to talk about this, I grew up among a video club of my relatives, I have played hundreds if not thousands of games throughout my life, from Family Game, SNES, Sega, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, PS3, Xbox, Wii, PC, online games and more. For much of my life, I shied away from letting people know about my nerdiness of playing video games.

you could be burnt out.

I feel it's a common thing among video games. Click, push buttons kill, finish objectives, buy equipments, I dont feel like playing the game I feel like rushing to finish rather than enjoying the game. go experience life more and dont feel guilty or feel like you are not a gamer anymore. Even though it's a great game, with great characters. At first, that pushed me to turn to video games for escapism⁠—something I’d not really done before. just tell me im not the only one.

So don’t put that in the ‘yes’ column of your pros and cons list. You might be fed up with games and seek for new challenges. In spite of being an avid gamer, I've found it to be more difficult to really get into a game the way that I used to do when I was younger.

I don't enjoy movies, I am bored when I watch a movie because I know all of the people my age are out there with friends and girlfriend partying and enjoying life. I enjoy co-op/single player games just fine too, so that's how I choose to fill my free time at the moment. I have no desire to play any games online either. I hate losing that much.

But now it's not the same anymore.