There will probably be some give and take, but Marvel won't for a moment anchor its films around another Studio's character. But one thing Gambit should not be is the solo star of his own MCU film. Gambit is one character who needs to appear in the MCU at some point. Additional Support: Acronym Everyone's raving about the whole T.H.A.N.O.S theory where each of the Infinity Stones are strangely fitting in pretty well. Keep him on the X-Men. Re: MCU after Endgame (speculation, Endgame spoilers obviously) It looks like the Black Widow movie will be shot in Budapest. MCU Speculation Debrief: How are the baddies doing? Twitter, Tumblr, AO3, and Reddit were the four cornerstones of fan culture in the 2010s, marking the rise of the ten unforgettable fandoms on our list. As seen with Solo, roguish side characters don't always make the best stars of a story.

Kevin Feige likes hearing about speculation regarding the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Speculation Emerges of Songbird Debuting in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier November 22, ... Charles Murphy noticed something in the set photos posted on Reddit, and speculates that the show could be introducing Songbird. A Twitter user is now claiming to have spoken to … Fun MCU fact: The Gold/Titanium Alloy Tony developed for his Mark 3 in 2008's "Iron Man" was discovered in our reality in 2016.

Kicking off the superhero franchise back in 2008 with Robert Downey Jr. and Jon Favreau's Iron Man , Feige has successfully spearheaded the MCU to more than $21 billion global box office haul across 23 films. Marvel wants Spider-Man to exist in its universe, and have some access to his villains. This is a great news and a … Five mind-blowing post-Endgame theories that could totally change the MCU ... speculation has surrounded the studio ... primed audiences for the Fantastic Four to enter the MCU, too. Sony wants some of the good associations with the Marvel brand, and to have some access to the more expansive MCU. 11 months ago James Jou While it’s easy to tell someone to invest in all the key books of any announced movie antagonist; one has to wonder how their investments are performing now, after the movie has long passed. Another day, another character introduction rumor that's taking the MCU speculation train off the rails.

Keep him a rogue in the background. Reddit user /u/HTTV’s theory hits the spot; discussions for a Damage Control show go on for months on end and disappear out of nowhere and then, Spider-Man: Homecoming set pics featuring two cast members peculiarly dressed in Damage Control-esque apparel surface on the internet and promptly go unnoticed for the months.