Adds main effects for all attributes in the model. • You can spot unusual patterns and violations of the model assumptions.

Leverage Plots. In the Construct Model Effects list, select C. In the Select Columns list, click A. The Choice script launches the Choice Platform with the model selected in the DOE Model Controls outline. 7.

Figure 5.3 Stepwise Regression Control Panel Stopping Rule. Select X in the Construct Model Effects list.

The DOE Model Controls outline contains the following buttons: Main Effects. In the Construct Model Effects list, select B[A].

x An analysis of a split-plot experiment with the Fit Model platform.

Select Attributes > Random Effect.
4. In the Select Columns list, select a third nominal or ordinal effect, C. 8. You can also use a forward stepwise technique, perform … Figure 2.22 shows the Regression Plot for a model fit to the data in the XYZ Stock Averages (plots).jmp sample data table. An effect leverage plot for X is useful in the following ways: • You can see which points might be exerting influence on the hypothesis test for X.

Cross. JMP automatically fits your data, performs variable selection when appropriate, and builds a predictive model that can be generalized to new data.

Interactions. 6. Leverage Plot Details.

• You can spot multicollinearity issues. Construction. Effect leverage plots are also referred to as partial-regression residual leverage plots (Belsley et al.

Harnessing these techniques is as easy as using any other modeling personality in Fit Model – simply identify your response, construct model effects and pick the desired estimation and validation method. A note appears beneath the Go button to indicate whether you have excluded or missing rows.

Click OK. When you construct your design table, JMP saves a Choice script to the data table. The Stopping Rule determines which model is selected.

Click Cross. 6. 5. Adds all second-order interactions. JMP generates the design and includes the appropriate random-effect restricted maximum likelihood (REML) model as part of the table that contains the experimental design. Use the Stepwise Regression Control panel to limit regressor effect probabilities, determine the method of selecting effects, begin or stop the selection process, and run a model. 10. Select Attributes > Knotted Spline Effect. Both effects should be highlighted. Creates interaction or polynomial effects. Note: To remove an effect from the Construct Model Effects list, double-click the effect, or select it and click Remove or press the Backspace or Delete key. Select two or more variables in the Select Columns list and click Cross. 9. Click Add. In the menu that appears, specify the number of knots or accept the default number.