Personally, as an INFJ, I have seen myself move from at my worst to at my best. INFJ’s struggle the most with their feelings and what to do about them. Feb 13, 2018 - Let us talk about who the INFJ is at their best and at their worst. These initials are used in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) publications. This personality is idealistic , serene, firm in its values, highly sensitive, but sure of itself and always oriented towards improving the lives of others. INFJs are dedicated, helpful, and principled workers who can be relied on to envision, plan, and carry out complex projects for humanitarian causes.. Relationship Compatibility of INFJs With Other Personality Types People in love with INFJs often look for answers to help understand their partners more clearly. ... Their intimate knowledge of the psychological process may poise them ahead of others in terms of potential for individuation early on, but nothing guarantees that they will necessarily capitalize on this potential for their own growth and maturity. INFJs are known for their creativity and imagination. Yet when it comes to other people, we can feel their emotions, empathize with them and offer them the best solution to deal with them. The Best INFJs Careers to Consider 1. (immature or too frustrated with life, for example) Hitler. Let's show that the INFJ is far from the stereotype.

The “Other Side” of the INFJ. And let's talk about how an INFJ can grow. The top 10 INFJ careers. An INFJ when it comes to food would look at it and say, this is what I feel I want. There are plenty of situations that could bring out the worst personality trait in people. Ask the body what it wants and think about how that's going to feel later. A career that seems good for an INFJ might not be what an INFJ needs. And let's talk about how an INFJ can grow. It’s a known rule in the dichotomous world of typology that the development of preferential strengths predictably gives rise to corresponding weaknesses, or blind spots. The INFJ personality, a unique combination of the psychological traits of introversion, intuition, feeling and judgment, represents — according to Carl Jung — only 1% of the population.. But sometimes, regardless of your type, you can fall into a slump or a period of “writers block” or “artists block”.

A lot depends on the job scope, the work environment, the organization, and other factors. It describes how the INFJ processes when they’re at their worst. I can never find people who can understand me. It could also look like resentment toward people with more developed Introverted Sensing.