Bougainvillea are very beautiful Mediterranean climbing shrubs..

How to prune bougainvillea: Bougainvillea plants need hard pruning to force blooming and maintain its shape. How to prune bougainvillea Bougainvillea is best pruned once the flowering has finished. Learn how much light, water, and fertilizer an indoor Bougainvillea plant, also called a Paper Plant needs. The bougainvillea pruning in pots or garden bed will force plant to produce new growth and bougainvillea to bloom. After blooming is a good time to hard prune and/or restyle.

Bonsai Bougainvillea Care includes Very Few Pests . The real flower is a small white thing in between the "bracts."

Read how to propagate and prune the spectacular flowering Bougainvillea.

This will promote healthy growth in the spring.

Soft Pinching. As bougainvillea generally blooms on new growth, you should cut back the branches that have finished flowering.

Learn how much light, water, and fertilizer an indoor Bougainvillea plant, also called a Paper Plant needs. Repotting will be required every six months to a year.

By putting it in a pot the rampant tendencies are curbed," Ray said. They flower on the current seasons growth so pruning in late winter or early spring, just before growth begins.. In this case, there really is no right or wrong way to prune a bougainvillea. Bougainvilleas require a trellis or pillar for support and can be trained as a standard and spur-pruned to restrict size. The blooming cycles last four to six weeks; prune and pinch after the blooming cycle. Name – Bougainvillea Family – Nyctaginaceae Type – climbing shrub. Just cut it back to a manageable size and take it indoors before there is any chance of frost in your area. It can be scary to start cutting but take a deep breath and go for it. After the bougainvillea has finished blooming for the season, cut it back by a few inches. "If you haven't got time to prune then plant your bougainvillea in a container. Bonsai Bougainvillea prefer 'tight fee t', almost root bound.

Usually, the last frost in the valley happens around the 15th of February, but this year we got a late frost and even snow in North Scottsdale on the 22nd of February. Soft pinching consists of pinching off the soft tips of new growth. Although you can prune bougainvillea throughout the year, pruning in summer may cut off the forming buds, reducing the amount of color you see the next blooming cycle. Basic Bougainvillea facts. This will keep control of container-grown bougainvillea and prevent them from becoming overgrown or unshapely. It had been pruned into a hedge by the previous owners and showed very little or any blooms. Defoliate the leaves at least once a year in the spring or summer to encourage smaller leaves and additional branching. Remove the length of stem that has flowered just behind the first flower. I want this inherited and overgrown bougainvillea of mine to be a riot of color come spring. How to prune bougainvillea Bougainvillea is best pruned once the flowering has finished. Looking at the picture i was thinking the same thing about taking it “further back” Just debating HOW much further (knowledge and advice appreciated/accepted) I have the cuttings de-foliated and in some rain-water at the moment..I was planning on letting them “Soak” for a day before introducing them to a cutting-geared substrate. Read how to propagate and prune the spectacular flowering Bougainvillea. Exposure – full sun Soil – rather light. In the spring, soft pinching will produce bushier growth.

Pruning a bougainvillea is a project best not done in a bikini! Pruning and training. Use pruning shears to cut back all of the stems so they reach just past the edges of the container.

Make sure you are wearing protection; Bougainvillea plants are notorious for their thick thorns. The blooming cycles last four to six weeks; prune and pinch after the blooming cycle. How to Prune a Bougainvillea in Phoenix After the Frost Now is the time for homeowners to cut back any frost damage that has occurred throughout our chilly winter months. In the fall, trim a container grown bougainvillea back to the edges of the container. Use pruning shears to cut back all of the stems so they reach just past the edges of the container. By putting it in a pot the rampant tendencies are curbed," Ray said. This pruning technique will encourage the bougainvillea plant to send out new stems from just below the point where you pinched. Foliage – evergreen Flowering – May to November. Bougainvillea plants are prolific growers and need good pruning to force blooming and retain a pretty shape. Pruning bougainvillea in summer, which is mid-season for this plant, encourages another round of bloom. The bougainvillea pruning in pots or garden bed will force plant to produce new growth and bougainvillea to bloom. The Bougainvillea "flowers" are really modified leaves or "bracts."