You use the heroin to bribe a junkie into killing the hamster of course!

Almost EVERY legitimate answer will tell you, “Go to your veterinarian, have them do it professionally.” Technically, I agree.

Another option would be to take it to an animal shelter--they will euthanize for free.

In a way, euthanasia isn't always the worst thing. But I will answer your question. I'm doing everything I can to keep his quality of life good, but I need to prepare for the time when I may need to give him the final gift of a peaceful goodbye.

I wouldn't euthanize him until he seems uncomfortable. The time may come when he or she grows sick or infirm, and it is our unavoidable duty to do what is best for the pet, despite the heartbreak that may bring to us, personally. I was wondering if anyone knows of any humane ways to euthanize a hamster, for when things get really bad. Understanding Euthanasia in Pets. Most vets euthanize small animals with a intraperitoneal injection, which is into the abdomen. most likely it will cost a lot less for euthanasia than the medicines, but it's not something you really want to be thinking about until she /is/ in pain. Euthanasia. Believe me, I don't want to, but due to his advanced age and the nature of his illness, I would rather have him go … It is a kindness, not a cruelty. I wouldn't euthanize him until he seems uncomfortable. Posted By: Paul. And he is SO cold, like the animals I have had die on me at the pet store where I work.

Newer protocols introduce an anesthetic gas first, before the find CO2 step. When to Euthanize - posted in Ailments & Injuries: Hi Everyone, My hamster, Hammy, is almost 2 1/2 years old and has had signs of chronic kidney failure since August or September. When we decide to have a pet we take on a complex responsibility and covenant to protect and be there for it — in every way. If money is a concern most if not all veterinarians will euthanize an animal for free if it is suffering.
Since hamsters are really small it's not expensive. In a way, euthanasia isn't always the worst thing. In this video I'll show you the proper way to euthanize rodents before feeding them to your snakes. Reply ... Will kill it instantly, the hamster won't feel it and the only little bit of mess you might get is a few drops of blood from its nose. You should always go to a vet. Euthanasia: From the Greek word 'eu', meaning good, and 'thanatos', meaning death, the two words together translate to "A Good Death" In domesticated animals this process is commonly referred to by Euphemisms such as “put down" or "put to sleep", (pts) Introduction. Go to your local auto parts store or WalMart, and buy a can of Engine Starter Fluid. It doesn't hurt any worse than a needle into the muscle or under the skin. None of the methods listed above are humane and could be considered animal cruelty. Enjoy! How to Euthanize a Dog with Benadryl Due to high expenses from the vet most people consider euthanizing a dog at home using Benadryl. I have an older hamster, and when I awoke today he is not moving right. He has made the decision to have the hamster put down to end its suffering. But if you use dry ice, you need to make sure it does NOT touch your hamster. Euthanasia: From the Greek word 'eu', meaning good, and 'thanatos', meaning death, the two words together translate to "A Good Death" In domesticated animals this process is commonly referred to by Euphemisms such as “put down" or "put to sleep", (pts)

The vet can give your hamster an intra-abdominal injection to euthanize her. We've had a couple of hamsters for at least two years and now one of them is sick and probably wont be in this world much longer. Below are the steps to euthanize a dog with Benadryl: Consult with your vet to understand the dosing needed. Anesthesia should be used so your rat simply sleeps and feels … He shakes when he walks, looks like a person with Parkinsons. How to kill a hamster humanely? The vet is SO exspensive, and this is an off pay week for me. He shakes when he walks, looks like a person with Parkinsons.