There are numerous types of protein powder made from a wide variety of sources. Whey protein powder is made from a high protein milk byproduct of the cheese making process. Protein powders can be useful in the event that you aren't getting enough protein from entire nourishment, or in the event that you need the comfort and conveyability of a protein source that won't ruin effectively. Protein powder is a fad in the same way that Justin Bieber's music is: you either love it, or you hate it.

Protein powder concentrates are made by extracting protein from the source material through the use of heat or enzymes. Egg protein powder is made from the egg white, excluding the yoke which has a high fat content.

How Protein Powder Is Made? Protein Reviews – Protein Science – Protein Recipes – Vegan Protein – Weight Loss Protein – Protein Guides; Search the Knowledge Base; Guide to Protein Powder – How does the body use Protein? How Whey Protein Is Made “Little Miss Muffet, sat on her Tuffet, eating her curds and whey…” For most of us, all we knew about whey a few decades ago was that it was a mysterious and unappetizing-sounding food that a nursery rhyme character was eating when she was scared by a spider. As there are so many options, it can be difficult to determine which will provide optimal results. Everyone I know has a strong opinion about protein powder, ranging from "daily necessity" to "utterly useless."