Well, before we answer this question, consider a situation we’ve seen all too often on TV and in movies: the camera pans to a heavily pregnant woman, her face a picture of panic, the classic “I think my water broke!” line which for some reason prompts the peanut gallery to panic, too. And how do you know if it's amniotic fluid and not just more watery CM or a bit of leaked pee, or [forgive me, but it has been very warm recently in the UK] sweat?

If you think your amniotic fluid is leaking or your “water broke” early. Hi all There has been a few questions about leaking amniotic fluid these past few days, and it's got me a bit worried! Amniotic fluid is: Generally odourless; Continues to leak, sometimes a steady flow Development. You experience heavy amniotic fluid leakage, with or without vaginal discharge and a fever. Is this a common occurance? Leaking amniotic fluid is a problem experienced by many pregnant women.
You have a persistent flow of amniotic fluid. Tension on the amniotic sac from fluid like large baby’s or twins; Prior surgeries on the cervix or uterus; Poor prenatal lifestyle habits such as drinking alcohol, drugs or poor diet; How to Treat Premature Amniotic Fluid Leak.

The purpose of the amniotic fluid is to nestle an unborn child in the mother’s womb. This indicates meconium, the baby’s faeces. During pregnancy, the fetus is contained within a membrane filled with this fluid, which is essential for proper fetal development and healthy pregnancy. Delayed treatment often poses a danger to both the unborn child and the mother. Amniotic fluid embolism occurs when amniotic fluid or fetal material enters the mother's bloodstream. Amniotic fluid is a bit different from urine or vagina/cervical discharge, however. The fluid has a greenish tinge to it. How do I know if I am leaking amniotic fluid?
Can you feel it leaking out of you? Signs Of Leaking Amniotic Fluid. A likely cause is a breakdown in the placental barrier, such as from trauma.

When this breakdown happens, the immune system responds by releasing products that cause an inflammatory reaction, which activates abnormal clotting in the mother's lungs and blood vessels. If you notice the leaking of amniotic fluid at 38 weeks, then labour may have begun. The amniotic sac where the fluid is found has two membranes: The amnion The … Amniotic fluid is present from the formation of the gestational sac.Amniotic fluid is in the amniotic sac.It is generated from maternal plasma, and passes through the fetal membranes by osmotic and hydrostatic forces.When fetal kidneys begin to function in about week 16, fetal urine also contributes to the fluid. It can sometimes be difficult to tell what you’re finding on your undergarments or while wiping after using the toilet.

The amniotic fluid is the "water" people refer to when they say their "water broke."