HCS Virtual is a program of Horry County Schools. Horry County Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, immigrant status, English-speaking status, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal or S.C. law in its programs or activities. Schools continue adapting to e-learning, offer additional services ... some additional services,” Horry County Schools spokesperson Lisa Bourcier said. Palmetto Academy of Learning & Success is a tuition free, non-profit, public charter school. Horry County Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, immigrant status, English-speaking status, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal or S.C. law in its programs or activities. Horry County Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, immigrant status, English-speaking status, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal or S.C. law in its programs or activities. Horry County Schools' vision is to be a premier, world-class school system in which every student acquires an excellent education. We extended the cohort to include four schools at the elementary level. Mr. Rector shared that Horry County Schools and Apple Whittemore School, one of the first African-American schools in Horry County, educated elementary and high school students on this site from 1936 to 1970. of Health and Environmental Control confirmed a COVID-19 case for the nutrition services worker from Socastee Elementary. Horry County school officials continue to grapple with the challenges of the COVID-19 crisis.

The district office is located in Conway, South Carolina.

Horry County Best Public Schools in Horry County, SC COVID-19 : Visit the South Carolina Department of Education COVID-19 resource page for information relevant to South Carolina schools. Horry County Schools (HCS) is a public school district serving Horry County, South Carolina and is the third-largest school district in South Carolina. It serves over 45,000 students (as of the 2018–19 school year) in 56 schools (as well as offering additional education programs). HORRY COUNTY, S.C. (WPDE) — Horry County Schools Friday announced a third nutrition services employee has tested positive for the coronavirus. Congressman.

Horry County Schools has approved its Phase 1 plan for returning student-athletes for voluntary summer conditioning. CONWAY, SC (WBTW) – Horry County Schools will give students the option to take home a digital learning device during school closures due to the coronavirus website. Horry County Schools Page 2 of 2 Title I Administrative and Support Positions 2011-2012 READING RECOVERY® Reading Recovery® Teacher – Cannon, Paula D. 1.0 Reading Recovery® Teacher – Clemens, Jennifer S. 1.0 Reading Recovery® Teacher – Dudney, Wendy K. 1.0 Myrtle Beach Middle School distributed 349 meals and 494 Chromebooks by 1p.m. MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WBTW) – Schools across the state continue to adjust and adapt as closures remain in place. Despite outperforming most districts in the state, HCS realized they could do more to … The Challenge. The district is made up of nine attendance areas: Aynor, Carolina Forest, … This plan allows students to complete standards-based assignments from home while school is not in session. HCS Virtual provides a teacher-led, virtual classroom environment providing flexibility for students. Horry County Schools Conway, South Carolina One of our underrepresented students, a senior first-time AP® student says of her class, “I feel great that I am in the class because it challenges me to do better and I get to know my strengths and my weaknesses as a … HCS is South Carolina’s third-largest school district and spans a large geographic region, from coastal Myrtle Beach to rural areas more than 50 miles inland. The county’s school district—Horry County Schools—serves over 42,000 students, and central to their mission is personalizing learning to engage students in their education. Lisa Boucier, spokesperson for the school district, says the South Carolina Dept. Located on the coast of South Carolina, Horry County Schools (HCS) is a suburban/rural district that serves more than 40,000 students in over 50 schools.