deferred functions are allowed to modify named results before the function actually returns. Functions with named return values. Next example: Variadic Functions . Thus one may access the named return value in a function that is called as the result of a defer … $ go run multiple-return-values.go 3 7 7 Accepting a variable number of arguments is another nice feature of Go functions; we’ll look at this next. In Go return parameters may be named and used as regular variables.

So I had to get rid of named return value there altogether. The swap function returns two strings. So I had to get rid of named return value there altogether. The above rectProps can be rewritten using named return values as Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.

It is also ok to name some of the return values. The return values of a function in Golang may be named. Go's return values may be named. The named variables are specified in the signature itself. I actually hate named return values. A go function can have named return values. But with great power comes great risk. Named return values. Pretty much every high-level language has a problem of not always being obvious, so be careful with that. Range and Close. It allows mentioning the names of the variables and so Here is an example doing just that. It's currently not consistent in that methods without return values don't require a return statement at the end. This shows you how you can still return any value you want even if you name the return arguments. The named variables are specified in the signature itself. When named, they are initialized to the zero values for their types when the function begins; if the function executes a return statement with no arguments, the current values of the result parameters are used as the returned values.

Let's write another one, but this time it will return an implementation of image.Image instead of a slice of data.. You can also view the table of contents at any time by clicking on the menu on the top right of the page.. Multiple results. Named Return Values. Remember the picture generator you wrote earlier? The return values of a function in Golang may be named. Golang allows you to name the return values of a function. A return statement without arguments returns the named return values.

Functions with named return values. Instead we return the answer of the operation directly out of the return. The named return values also use the default values for the data types like 0 for int type etc. A fickle companion. With named return values , the return values did not need to be initialised in the function. It'd be neat if we could influence godoc rendering separate from whether we chose to use named return values in code. For such an opinionated language, with some opinions that I … To declare the named result or return parameters, just use the return type part of the function signature. Named return values are a powerful tool. Thus makes it very helpful for complicated calculations where multiple values are calculated in many different steps. Receivers can test whether a channel has been closed by assigning a second parameter to the receive expression: after v, ok := <-ch. func f() (i int, s string) { i = 17 s = "abc" return // same as return i, s} Named return parameters are initialized to their zero values. The benefit of using the named return types is that it allows us to not explicitly return each one of the values. I agree there are cases where it'd be nice to use named return values (especially to reference them from defer) without cluttering godoc. defer statements). It is also ok to name some of the return values.