Generally cats like to drink cold or lukewarm water. Slimy water bowl, muddy puddle — even an open toilet bowl will do in a pinch. Cats do drink water. Cats need water so make sure your cat has enough to drink. Cats don't need much water to drink, especially if they eat canned food or food in pouches which contains a lot of water in it. Kittens might like to have it on the warmer side because they associate it with their mothers milk but they might not be like other kittens and want it colder. It’s instinctive for them to avoid standing water, which in the wild is a much higher risk for harmful contaminants than a flowing stream. If you’ve ruled out any underlying medical issues for your cat, the first thing to try is an elevated water dish.
If you are unsure which drinks are most suitable for your cat then take a look at our guide. While cats may instinctively drink more during hot weather, it is important, as with all cats' habits, to know how much a cat drinks normally. Some cats prefer to drink water that's moving. Is there any other liquid that is healthy for cats to drink besides water? When cats are in need of a good, cool drink there are several reasons they may choose to skip the water bowl and head for the tap. But some cats take this weird fixation even further: they're obsessed with water itself. Or, just do what I do, put out water bowls for your cat, but several times a day turn on a small stream of water in the sink and let your cat drink his or her fill. How to Get a Cat to Drink Water. Privacy Policy | Contact Us Copyright © 2007-2020

Your cat should instinctively know that they need more water and should drink enough to make up for it – after all, they feel thirst just like we do. Wet cat food already contains some water, so a cat who has a wet food diet won’t need to drink as much as a cat who only eats dry food. Yes, they do. At face value, this obsession makes no sense. Others like ice cubes in their drink as well. Consuming a cat food with high moisture content is a quite natural way of increasing your cat’s water intake.

Do cats drink less water when they eat wet food? Many cats like to drink running water.
Some cats also like to drink warm water.

All cats don't hate water. Your cat should instinctively know that they need more water and should drink enough to make up for it – after all, they feel thirst just like we do. However, since they're obligate carnivores (in other words, designed to eat meat) their instinct is to get most of their needed water in their food. Dry food contains very little water, so they need to make up for it by drinking enough. If you give a cat dry food alone, he's not likely to drink enough water because he simply doesn't have the instinct to drink it. Many cats will embrace less conventional methods of getting water. Many cats, for example, would rather drink from a leaky faucet than an open bowl. In comparison with dry food (kibble), canned cat food contains a much higher volume of water. However, if a cat primarily gets fed wet food, it could be getting enough moisture from the food alone, so may very rarely drink. Dry food contains very little water, so they need to make up for it by drinking enough. Norwegian Forest cats also love water. Turkish Vans love to swim and so do Russian Siberians. 1. How to Get Your Cat to Drink. Cartoons, after all, have spent many decades teaching us that cats hate water. But cats, on the other hand, are typically much more particular. If your cat won't drink water, one option you have to increase his water consumption is to feed him canned cat food. Cats who eat only dry food don't get as much water from their food as those who eat canned food, and should always have easy access to clean, drinking water to supplement their intake. Our cats love to drink from a running faucet, usually in the bathroom during my wife’s morning preparation for work. If you notice this behavior, by all means, let your cat have a few drips before turning off the faucet.

Some cats from other breeds and crossbreed love water and will swim when they have an opportunity.