It is the most crucial and the last resort to retrenchment since it involves serious consequences such as a sense of failure, loss of future opportunities, spoiled market image, loss of employment for employees, etc. Then it decides to exit the footwear business. The most common form is the sale of a business unit to improve financial performance. In the first step, you set the overall strategy for the divestment—including the assets you want to sell, when you want to sell them, and to whom.

The Divestiture Value Pyramid: uilding the ase for a Value-added Divestiture Preparation: Guiding Principles Successful divestitures are built on a set of foundations known as guiding principles: A set of beliefs, precepts, values and maxims; short, sharp strategic statements that indicate the course of the divestiture and its intended goals. Lucozade, a brand of sports and energy drinks, and Ribena, a fruit-based drink concentrate, no longer fit in with company goals, including growth in emerging markets and expanding the company’s portfolio of vaccines and pharmaceuticals. Divesting, also known as divestiture, refers to the sale or transfer of the significant assets, divisions, investment of the business due to some financial, political or social reasons such as a business can sell the department which is not a core part of the business and is not providing benefits to the company so that the business can focus on the units that can provide better earnings. Divestment Strategy also known s Divestiture Strategy. By starting with a tested and proven base divestiture operating model, buyers and sellers can reduce unnecessary churn on the upfront design phase and accelerate the sign-to-close process by focusing on the most pertinent issues. Divestiture strategy can be part of an overall retrenchment strategy to rid an organization of businesses that are unprofitable, that require too much capital, or that do not fit well with the firm’s other activities. Bayer is focusing on over the counter medications by acquiring Merck’s consumer care business for $14.2 billion. The firm is said to have followed the divestment strategy, when it sells or liquidates a portion of a business or one or more of its strategic business units or a major division, with the objective to revive its financial position. Here's a general representation. On the other hand, Merck has become more streamlined through divestment. Let's assume Company XYZ is the parent of a food company, a car company, and a clothing company. September 13, 2013; By David … Sometimes the easiest way to understand the definition of divestiture or to comprehend divestment strategy is to look at divestment examples. Divesting assets with poor profitability frees up internal assets, which the company can use to strengthen its other businesses. When Exiting is the Best Growth Strategy. This takes place through an exercise called “capability scoping,” in which you take stock of the most important capabilities associated with the assets you are putting on the block. For further strategic investments or acquisitions, certain capital is raised trough divestiture. The companies exited a business they were previously active in. This is a sample dilemma that buyers and sellers often experience while executing a complex global divestiture, and it’s a situation that can be avoided. These are three examples of divestiture. Definition: Divest Strategy Divest strategy means selling of your own assets, and it is also called divestiture. Divestment involves a company selling its assets, often to improve its value and obtain higher efficiency. Here you can see that divestiture is the opposite of diversification. If you go from the situation on the left to the right it's called divestiture.

As I’ve mentioned before, although divestment means becoming smaller, […] Read More. Divestitures help companies maintain their strategic focus. Definition: The Liquidation Strategy is the most unpleasant strategy adopted by the organization that includes selling off its assets and the final closure or winding up of the business operations. Divestiture is one of defensive strategies in which part or division of an organization is sold. The …