Canada’s 1996 Policy Framework on Radioactive Waste Nuclear Non-Proliferation Policy Non-Resident Ownership Policy in the uranium mining sector Provinces choose approaches and technologies for electricity generation based on their natural endowments and regional requirements. "The Policy Framework lays out the ground rules for radioactive waste disposal in Canada. McLellan Announces Policy Framework For Radioactive Waste OTTAWA - Anne McLellan, federal Minister of Natural Resources, today announced government approval of a radioactive waste policy framework that will guide Canada's approach for radioactive waste disposal into the next … organization, the Nuclear Waste Management Organization, be established to carry out the work. The Government of Canada's Radioactive Waste Policy Framework sets the stage for institutional and financial arrangements to manage radioactive waste in a safe, comprehensive, environmentally sound, integrated and cost-effective manner. The Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) is responsible for designing and implementing Canada's plan for the safe, long-term management of used nuclear fuel.

The policy recognizes that arrangements may be … Under Canada’s national framework for radioactive waste management (see section 2), waste owners are required to manage this waste in a safe and secure manner, and to make arrangements for its long-term management. This regulatory document also provides an overview of the framework for decommissioning nuclear facilities in Canada. Mar 3, 2020 - Oversight of Canada's Framework for Radioactive Waste Management April 2018 Quick Facts The three Rs apply to the management of radioactive waste: reduce, reuse and recycle. will ensure that radioactive waste management is carried out in a safe, environmentally sound, comprehensive, cost-effective and integrated manner . Canada’s approach to radioactive waste management is founded upon the Government of Canada’s 1996 Policy Framework for Radioactive Waste.

This includes the funding, organization, management, operation and disposal of waste, as well as responsibility over any other facilities required for their waste. The CNSC supports the principle of good waste management practices in the nuclear industry to reduce the volume of radioactive waste requiring storage.

In accordance with Canada’s Radioactive Waste Policy Framework, the owners of radioactive waste are responsible for the funding, organization, management, and operation of disposal and other facilities required for their waste. In February 2020, it was reported by the International Atomic Energy Agency that Canada’s Radioactive Waste Management Policy Framework “does not encompass all the needed policy elements nor a detailed strategy” necessary to provide a national strategy for long-term radioactive waste management in Canada.