This article is all about bugleweed for dogs and how to safely use it for dogs. List of various diseases cured by Bugleweed. Discontinuing bugleweed abruptly can result in high levels of thyroid and prolactin, which might cause physical symptoms. Herb’s Medicinal Purpose of Gypsywort and Bugleweed Herb’s Medicinal Purpose of Gypsywort and Bugleweed.

Long-term use of bugleweed can cause an enlarged thyroid gland. Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients in Bugleweed.

All articles on this website are the opinions of their respective authors who do not claim or profess to be medical professionals providing medical advice. Bugleweed is POSSIBLY SAFE for most people when taken by mouth, but thyroid disease should not be self-treated due to possible complications.

Some of the most interesting benefits for the health of bugleweed include its ability to improve respiratory regulate conditions sleep patterns, protect heart , balance hormone levels, eliminate anxiety , speed healing, and increase overall health.. Bugleweed The products and supplements mentioned on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, alleviate or prevent any diseases. Feeding is necessary only if the plant is growing in poor soil.

Plant bugleweed in well-draining, fertile soil in full sun to partial shade, in an area where air circulation is good. Health Benefits of Bugleweed.

Names of Bugleweed in various languages of the world are also given. It is said to be more effective for those patients who suffer from TB as well as chest tenderness, palpitations and heart debility. The herb is also known as gypsywort or water horehound. Health Benefits of bugleweed. Here are some of the most staggering health benefits of bugleweed: Helps in improving the overall health: the antioxidant properties of the bugleweed extract has an astounding effect on the organ systems and have an amazing effect in treating various health problems. Health and Medicinal Benefits of Bugleweed: Effective cure for tuberculosis: Bugle is also great for curing tuberculosis. Bugleweed Tea & Hyperthyroidism.

Water whenever the top 1 to 2 inches of soil become dry—once established bugleweed usually does fine if it is watered only once every two to three weeks. Disclaimer: None of the statements made on this website have been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration. Space plants about 1 foot apart. If you’re looking for a natural method to help combat an overactive thyroid, you may be interested in learning more about a little herb known as bugleweed. Gypsywort is an herb medicinal plant with a botanical term of Lycopus europaeus and implied in the Labiatae family that originated in Northwest Asia and Europe. Bugleweed is an herb related to the mint family that has been used for centuries, mostly for its sedative and astringent properties.