Assesses: the stability of the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL). The ankle consists of three bones; the talus, the fibula and the tibia.

It is designed to help you or your doctor determine if you have sprained or torn your ACL. Chronic ankle joint instability can develop in 19% to 72% of patients following lateral ankle sprains. the examiner stabilizes the tibia and fibula, holds the patient’s foot in 20° of plantar flexion, and draws the talus forward in the ankle mortise; Anterior Drawer Test – (Ankle): POSITIVE TEST: Excessive anterior translation. Anterior Drawer Test.

The movements of the joint are dorsiflexion and plantarflexion.

It is used to assess the integrity of the ATFL based on the anterior translation of the talus under the tibia in a sagittal plane.

Stress testing for Ligaments. (A sprain is a tear to a ligament.

Move the calcaneus and talus to each side as a unit. Special Test:Posterior Drawer Test (Ankle) PROCEDURE: •Patient is supine with foot relaxed •Examiner stabilizes tibia and fibula with one hand •With the Patient’s foot plantar flexed to 20 degrees, the Examiner holds the patient’s calcaneus with other hand then distracts the calcaneus from the tibia and fibula ( by slowly pulling the calcanues inferiorly) Inferior Tibiofibular Ligaments. Laxity is typically due to a sprain of the anterior talofibular ligament. Knee is flexed 90 0 and gastrocnemius is relaxed. 1.

Anterior Drawer Test. Introduction. Anterior Drawer – Ankle PROCEDURE (supine): The patient lies supine with the foot relaxed. anterior drawer test: Orthopedics A test for evaluating anterior cruciate ligament integrity. The anterior drawer test evaluates ATFL integrity by the amount of anterior-talar displacement that can be produced in the sagittal plane. ankle fracture ; Anterior Talofibular Ligament (ATFL) Function . Neutral plantarflexion. Objectives: To investigate the diagnostic accuracy of the ankle anterior drawer test (ADT) to detect anterior talocrural joint laxity in adults with a history of lateral ankle sprain. The examiner uses the hand on the medial side of the affected extremity to stabilize the tibia, by wrapping a the hand around the distal tibia above (just It is used to assess the integrity of the ATFL based on the anterior translation of the talus under the tibia in a sagittal plane. To perform this test, the patient should be sitting with the knee flexed to relax the calf muscles and prevent the patient from actively guarding against the examiner. There was poor interrater reliability in diagnosis of the grade of ankle sprain based on radiographic distance between talus and tibia at 8 predetermined sites on lateral and mortise views. The Anterior Drawer Test is used to assess for instability of the ankle. Side to Side Test. Anterior talocrural joint laxity: diagnostic accuracy of the anterior drawer test of the ankle. Anterior Drawer Test. The following is a list of some of the many special tests that have been developed for the ankle.

The anterior drawer test at the human ankle joint is a routine clinical examination. Anterior Drawer Test. The terms "ligament tear" and "sprain" are used interchangeably.) excessive ankle inversion (> 15 degrees) compared to contralateral side indicated injury to ATFL and CFL ; Imaging: Radiographs Orthopedic Special Tests for the Ankle. Transverse. Keywords: Ankle instability, anterior drawer test, anterolateral drawer test, ankle ligament, ankle laxity. An anterior force is applied to the heel while attempting to move the talus anteriorly in the ankle mortise.

1. Author information: (1)US Army Medical Specialist Corps; US Army-Baylor University Doctoral Program in Physical Therapy, Fort Sam Houston, TX. See Anterior cruciate ligament. looks for excessive anterior displacement of talus relative to tibia; limited usefulness in acute setting; ATFL best tested in plantarflexion, CFL in dorsiflexion ; Talar tilt test .

[2] In a prospective, blinded, diagnostic-accuracy study, Croy et al. Anterior drawer has sensitivity of 86 percent and specificity of 74 percent for a diagnostic test of 160 patients with an inversion ankle sprain when compared to an arthrogram. Anterior Drawer. Anterior and Posterior.

Grade III ankle sprains confirmed by positive [Anterior Drawer Test for Ankle] and [Inversion Stress Test] were evaluated radiographically by 3 blind examiners. Do not tilt the ankle. Interosseous Membrane.