To conclude it, the population of Agartala in 2019 as per estimates = 637,324.

Population Of Tripura In 2018: Tripura positions second just to Assam as the most crowded state in North East India. The number of inhabitants in the state diagrams 0.24 percent of India in the year 2011. The population growth rate recorded for this decade (2001-2011) was 73.83%. In rural regions of Tripura state, female sex ratio per 1000 males was 955 while same for the child (0-6 age) was 960 girls per 1000 boys. Tripura Population 2019 –4.6872 Million. To conclude it, the population of Tripura in 2019 as per estimates = 4.6872 Million. In the year 2001, it was about 0.22 percent.

Therefore, the population of Tripura in 2019 is 4.546 Million + 0.1412 Million = 4.6872 Million. As indicated by the 2011 evaluation of India, Tripura has a population of about 3,671,032 with 1,871,867 males and 1,799,165 females.

Tripura population from 1901-2011. Total population of rural areas of Tripura state was 2,712,464.

Therefore, the population of Agartala in 2019 is 609,670 + 27,654 = 637,324. The aggregate population growth of Manipur in this decade was 24.50% while in the previous decade it was 30%. In Tripura, 365,309 children (0-6) live in rural areas. This figure shows that the yearly population increase is of 27,654.

Agartala Population 2019 –637,324 (estimated). Population of Tripura, Tripura Population age group. Tripura population in 2020 is estimated to be 4 Million (41 Lakhs), According to Unique Identification Aadhar India, updated dec 2019, by end of year 2019 the projected population is 4,112,223.

Tripura being gifted with lush green landscape, and its ethnic and cultural diversity of the population. Tripura, the green picturesque hilly land of mythology,with vast reserve of Natural Gas,ideally suited terrain soil and climate for large production of rubber,tea,fruit,horticultural crops,exquisite handicrafts items is the industrial destination.Pensioners,Basic pension,memorandum,family pension,revision of rates,finance,Dearness Relief As attested by the enumeration of the first imperial census conducted in 1872 Tripura had a non-tribal population of 30% which grew substantially in the succeeding decadal censuses.