The most impressive improvement can be noted in the female literacy rate which improved by 17.2%. Gujarat is one of the most industrialised states of India and thus attracts people from all over India both in terms of investment and jobs. Literacy rate of Gujarat is 79.3 % which is above India’s average literacy rate of 74.04 %. India's literacy rate is 73%. Literacy rate for males had gone up to 87.23% while for females it was 70.73%. 1.33 Age-groupwise literate population and literacy rate by sex & residence, India and Gujarat, Census - 2011..... S-49 1.34 Districtwise adolescent and youth population classified by sex and residence, This means 86.65 out of 100 persons of age more than 6 years are literate. List of Areas Kerala with 93.91% literacy rate is the top state in India. The total population of Surat is 6079231 out of which Male population is 3399742 and Female Population is 2679489. The second highest literacy rate amongst men was found in Mehsana (90.23%) but when it comes to condom usage, This city ranks the number 1 place across north Gujarat. Literacy rate of India 2021 : Literacy level and educational attainment are vital indicators of development in a society. The statistic shows the literacy rate in the state of Gujarat in India between 1991 and 2011, broken down by gender.

It is an indicator of human development and quality of life. With a Population of 70,208,143 Gujarat is the 10th largest state in terms of Population in India.

In democracy, literacy is a decisive factor. Population and Literacy Rate There are total NUMBER areas in Surat district which has been mentioned above. The figure has increased by fourteen times since 1901. However, children below the age of 7 years have been treated as illiterates, event if He or She may able to read and write with understanding.

According to data of Census 2011, the female literacy rate in Gujarat was 69.68%. National Institute of Oceanography scientifically proves that there was really a city submerged under sea in Dwarka. Find the complete list of Rajya Sabha MP (Member of Parliament) belong to Gujarat state on right hand side. It is ranked 2 in terms of literacy rate out of total 26 districts of Gujarat and 8 out of total 640 districts of India. In earlier Censuses up to 1981, it was customary to work out the literacy rate taking into account the total population.

The literacy gap reduced from 21% to around 15% in a short span of time.

Bihar with 63.08% literacy rate is the last in terms of literacy rate in India. In 2001, some 80 percent of the male population living in … There are lots of problems in our state, which lead our state to be backward, whether it's literacy or poverty. As per the 2011 census, the effective literacy rate is 62.5% in ST population, which is 14.8% higher than that of 2001.

Literacy rate of Gujarat increased from 58.3 % in 1991 to 78 % in 2011 growing at an average annual rate of 10.35%.

It's literacy rate is little less than that of India. The data showed that in the 2001-11 duration, number of literates in Gujarat increased by 1.21 crore. Low literacy rate is a barrier to social and scientific progress.

Presently, male literacy rate is 80.90%, while female literacy rate is 64.60%. Gujarat is 12th most literate state of India. The female lieteracy rate is much below the overall literacy rate of 78.03 per cent in the state. In 2011, literacy rate for Gujarat was 78 %. Locate nearest Post Office of Surat using above list. Lakshadweep and Mizoram are at second and third position with 92.28% and 91.58% literacy rate respectively. Literacy rate of Ahmedabad Total Literacy rate of Ahmedabad is 86.65%. This marked an improvement of around 12 percent over the figure of 57.80 per cent in year 2000. Directorate of Adult Education, MHRD, GOI, New Delhi has defined Literacy as “The ability to read, write and calculate and as per the State, A person who can write, read and calculate, termed as literate. Of that, male literacy stands at 85.75 percent while female literacy is at 69.68 percent. Odisha is ranked 25th among other Indian states in literacy. Literacy rate of India 2021. Male Literacy of Ahmedabad is 92.44% while female literacy stands at 80.29%. Also the Surat district has 86.65 % of literacy rate. Gujarat Literacy Rate 2011 Literacy rate in Gujarat has seen upward trend and is 78.03 percent as per 2011 population census. Gujarat Literacy Rate 2011.