There are many types of stock: White stock: A clear, pale liquid made by simmering poultry, beef, or fish bones. When you own common stock, you own a share in the company’s profits as well as the... 4 other types of stocks. Here are the three main types of stocks: Common stock – Common stocks make up the majority of the buzz on Wall Street. Brown stock: An amber liquid made by first browning/roasting poultry, beef, veal… . Common stock holders have a right to a company’s profits and value, as well as a vote in major decisions and board elections. To give you some concrete ideas of the types of stocks we’re talking about, here are a few common cyclical and defensive stocks: ... 3 Cheap Stocks for Contrarian Investors. Common stocks are ownership of the company’s cash flow and assets but with no preferential rights. Three major divisions divvy up the stock market into smaller pieces. The difference here is in what you get as an investor, your rights and the opportunity for return. Types of stock classes. A common stock is a simple piece of ownership in a company. There are three main types of stocks from a technical standpoint. 6 Types of Stocks You Should Know Common stock vs. preferred stock.

Preferred stock can be further subdivided into 4 variations. Preferred stocks are purchased by investors for the sole purpose of monetary gain only. Within those broad categories of common and preferred, stocks are also divided in other ways. Different Classes of Stock A company may choose to customize different classes of stock … Types of Stocks: Understanding the Different Categories Find out what you need to know about the ins and outs of various types of stocks before you invest. These are: adjustable rates, convertible, participating and voting.