Inpatient Management of Hyperglycemia and Diabetes Vasudev Magaji, MD, MS, and Jann M. Johnston, MD U ncontrolled hyperglycemia in hospitalized patients with or without a previous diagnosis of diabetes is associated with adverse outcomes and longer lengths of stay. The “100 Rule” and the Table on page I 44 show how much insulin is needed to reduce blood glucose back to the target range of 4-8 mmol/l.

The SOAPnote Project website is a testing ground for clinical forms, templates, and calculators. Correction dose = (Current blood sugar -Target blood sugar) / ISF = (160-90)/ 34 = 2.1 units .

The insulin sensitivity factor tells you how many points, in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL), your blood sugar will drop for each unit of insulin that you take. Example.

But other Type 1s need 1 unit of insulin for every 10 or even 8 grams of carbohydrates. Every person responds a little differently to insulin.

TDD= 50 units insulin ISF= 1700 /50 = 34 mg/dL The current premeal blood sugar is 160 mg/dL The target premeal blood sugar is 90 mg/dL. Yes, You Can Do it! It can help a person with type 1 diabetes regulate their blood sugar levels. Your Insulin Adjustment Workbook.

Calculating Your Correction Dose In addition to carbohydrate counting, you can also look at your blood sugar before your meal. The correction dose measures the drop in your blood sugar that occurs per unit of insulin.

Insulin sensitivity factor is a measurement that describes how taking 1 unit of insulin affects blood sugar levels . Insulin Sensitivity Factor (Correction Factor) = 1700 / TDD.

REFERENCE Staying on Target . If it is outside of target, you can add in a correction dose (also called an insulin sensitivity factor) to your pre-meal dose of insulin. Users outside the medical profession are welcome to use this website, but no content on the site should be interpreted as medical advice. A correction dose is given as well as any insulin required for the meal (worked out using an ICR) Correction doses are helpful, but it is always better to prevent high blood glucose results than to treat them once they have happened.