Add water to the paint. After the mixing, if the paint is free of specks smooth and uniform (not thin or runny), it should be okay. Too much viscosity will cause ridges, lumpiness or an orange peel finish.
Another reason for thinning paint is to allow it to flow through a sprayer. Check the quality of the paint to makes sure it needs thinning. How to Thin Paint. An excellent method of protecting sprayers and conditioning the latex enamel paint is a product called a waterborne paint conditioner.
Leave in place on the floor for one or two days. Make sure on the day of painting your paint should be thin so that you can paint accurately. How to thin latex paint for walls. That container of half-used latex paint isn't a lost cause just because it's clumpy, chunky or thicker than expected. Thinning the paint is cheap and fairly easy to do if you understand how to get the right consistency or viscosity. Learning how to thin latex paint can help you save from so much trouble when it is time to start painting. Generally, since latex paints are water-based, they are thicker than oil-based paints. If you don’t use your latex paint or keep it in open air for the much longer time, then it gets thick. Commercial latex paint thinners are also available at hardware or paint stores. Thinning latex paint should be done with proper care, so you will be able to achieve the preferred viscosity while preventing over-thinning of the paint. Check the paint by applying it to scrap material, and look for a uniform sheen and color. Or, use a paint stir-stick and stir each container thoroughly for 5 to 10 minutes. A wash will add color without sacrificing the visual interest of the wood’s texture; all you need to do is dilute paint with water. Here’s what you’ll need: Paint (one gallon or one pint) Water Funnel Stirrer or paint stick Bucket Step-by-Step Guide 1. How to Thin Latex Paint Step-by-Step The best part: Since latex paint is water-based, regular tap water can be used to thin … The following are among the different techniques involved as you thin latex paint. For uniform coating and touch, you need proper thinning. For chalk paint we use Calcium Carbonate Powder (Food Grade), water and latex paint in flat or eggshell. After checking the consistency of the paint, you can now add water to thin out the paint. A paint that’s too thick or thin needs thinning. I keep a bottle of Floetrol around for those special circumstances when I mix two different brands of paint together, helps things blend better.