The article has already mentioned how important L-tyrosine is to balance and increase levels of dopamine and it is possible to buy L-tyrosine supplements (like this one). An early investigation reported that anesthetics and GABA administration caused NAA levels to increase in rodent brains (Buniatian et al., 1965), but to our knowledge, these findings have not been confirmed elsewhere. Ginkgo Biloba is also one of the best herbs to improve memory and brain function. Discuss a dopamine agonist to increase dopamine receptors. Ginkgo Biloba has properties in it which increase dopamine levels in the brain. While levodopa increases the amount of dopamine your body makes, dopamine agonists actually up the number of receptors to "catch" the dopamine. 13. This dual effect of decreased NAA and increased Cr make the NAA/Cr ratio a sensitive marker for brain disease status. Relative increase in brain NAA levels following 4 weeks of Li administration * p=O.O2 Figure 2. A more thorough investigation of the relationships among metabolites, viral load levels, neuronal damage and gliosis is crucial for better understanding metabolic changes in this accelerated animal model of neuroAIDS. You can take this medication in place of or in addition to levodopa. L-tyrosine Supplements . N-acetylaspartate (NAA) is an amino acid derivative, formed by the acetylation of l-aspartic acid, present in very high concentrations (up to 10mM) in mammalian brain and localized predominantly in neurons (Tallan et al., 1956; for extensive review see Moffett et al., 2007). Exercise increases blood flow to the hippocampus, which is the part of the brain responsible for memory. Two recent reports have shown that NAA levels in the brain are increased under certain circumstances other than Canavan disease. Advertisement. N-Acetylaspartic Acid. One recent study found that the loss of tissue density in the brain was less in those who were aerobically fit, which is another way of saying fit people have better cognitive functioning.