Studies have shown that children can learn a lot from playing outdoors – from improved spatial recognition to simply understanding environmental tendencies. Play dates can help build self-esteem, confidence and social skills in children. Research on children's preferences shows that if children had the design skills to do so, their creations would be completely different from the areas called playgrounds that most adults design for them. But for children play is serious learning. In Enabling Environments opportunities for play and learning are created that help children embrace differences between themselves and others. Linking language with physical movement in action games and songs and exploring forces and movement. And this starts the day they are born! These areas of learning and development include personal, social and emotional development. (Childcare and early years)? A properly resourced outdoor area can deliver the same rich learning experiences as the indoors: Developing imaginative role play and acting out stories in large open spaces (and the natural environment). We have already looked at the ways in which outdoor play can enhance children’s personal, emotional and physical development. Let's look at some other areas… Outdoor play is another great way of building speech development. This focuses on children learning to make new relationships, building their behavioural skills and self control, also other important aspects of this area of development is that children should have a good level of self confidence and self esteem built up and has self-care as well as a sense of community. Learn about and listen to more episodes of the “Teach. Play is really the work of childhood.” Fred Rogers . It is unfortunate that children can't design their outdoor play environments. Play. The outside area provokes a great deal of exploration and investigation skills in young children. Many preschool play yards are carefully crafted to extend learning. Children's Outdoor Play & Learning Environments: Returning to Nature By Randy White & Vicki Stoecklin. Physical Development . Get tips, strategies and ideas for hosting a play date for children with special needs. PLAY AnD chILD DEVELOPMEnT Play is active learning that brings together the mind, body and spirit. As an educator, I know how vital outdoor play is to a child’s overall development and learning. Explain how outdoor play is linked to other areas of learning and development? Explain how outdoor play is linked to other areas of learning and development? More on the Benefits of Play for a Child’s Development . Their learning is holistic – they learn many different things at the same time and what they learn is connected to where, how and with whom they learn. As quoted above play is the work of childhood. 8,20 LPP generally involves introduction of large objects with no obvious play purpose onto the playground. The four specific areas are: Mathematical Development Literacy Expressive Arts and Design Understanding of the World . Learn how. Learning through play (early childhood development) This page is about learning through play and why it is important in preparing a child for education and in health brain development - and how, without it, negative effects can stretch into adulthood. 1.1 Understand the importance of outdoor play for children’s health, learning and development 1.2 Explain how outdoor play is linked to other areas of learning and development 1.3 Explain how holistic plans support access to outdoor play for every child in … This list explains how children’s play changes by age as they grow and develop social skills. One method of changing the outdoor play environment in primary schools has been to introduce loose parts play (LPP). There are 6 stages of play during early childhood, all of which are important for your child’s development. (Childcare and early years)? Learning opportunities . Children learn these skills by doing and play is the most effective way to develop cognitive skills. Children don't stop learning just to play.