Smoking more cigars each day or inhaling cigar smoke leads to more exposure and higher health risks. Potentially less harmful. Cigars are made only of fermented tobacco leaves. It’s really not good for your body to inhale any forms of smoke, but the dangers of cigars can be alleviated with a few precautions. For those who inhale, cigar smoking appears to be linked to death from cancer of the pancreas and bladder, too. It’s a real concern with all tobacco products, but there’s certainly been some hysteria that has exaggerated the risks.

Cigars, Cigarettes and Cigarillos: How Each Affects Health. The study's authors suggested that one reason that cigars appear to be less harmful to the heart and lungs than cigarettes is that cigar smokers generally don't inhale. Not long ago, a friend of mine (let’s call him Nick) decided to light up a cigar on a camping trip. Is Smoke from Cigars Really Dangerous? Based on the existing research, the landmark 1964 surgeon general's report on smoking and health pointed to the dangers of cigarettes and excused cigars and pipes as much less dangerous than cigarettes.

Truth be told, I have lots of buds who reach for a stogie from time to time. And to keep it real, it’s … It didn’t bother me. I’ve been a cigarette smoker and continue to smoke cigars. "Cigar smoking exposes users to similar types of harmful and cancer-causing agents as cigarette smoking," lead author Dr. Jiping Chen, an epidemiologist at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Office of Science, Center for Tobacco Products, said in a journal news release. Harmful chemicals found in both cigar and cigarette smoke include nitrosamines that … A statement at the press conference noted, ''Cigar and pipe smoking were found to have little significance in comparison with cigarettes. What are the harmful effects of cigar smoking? Regular cigar smokers are 4 to 10 times more likely to die from cancers of the mouth, throat, larynx, and esophagus than non-smokers.